October 20th, 2018 was a very significant day for me: during the  annual 2018 Cultural Festival for Peaceful Reunification of Korea in Cupertino, California. I was blessed to to be one of the recipients of the Korea Unification Contribution Award. We were awarded a medal as well as honored by an amazingly spectacular ceremony.

 The award read:

 Your contribution to the promotion of peace and reunification on the Korean Peninsula has been chosen as the recipient of the 2018 Korea Unification Contribution Award.  In honor of that achievement, we will present the medal and plaque of peace on the Korean Peninsula, which is made by melting the DMZ barbed wire and the shell used in the Korean War, symbolizing the division of the Korean peninsula, with the appreciation and respect of all Koreans

 Mr. Chung Ui Wha, the Chairman of the 19th National Assembly of Korea, bestowed us the awards and plaques:

 I was given the honor of presenting medals, to our Veterans that served in the Korean War. This was very personal to me, seeing that any one of these soldiers may have helped to save my life when I was a young girl running from bombs in the Korean War!

 I was granted the opportunity to share a few thoughts after receiving my medal.

 My primary message was to tell everyone that as we push to develop peace in the Korean Peninsula, we should realize that the true peace comes from within ourselves. So, let us have peace in our heart, and let’s work to nurture that peace, so we can share that peace with the world.

 Always remember: He can do She can do Why not me

 If you connect with what you’ve read here you might enjoy the book I wrote SEVEN STEPS TO INNER POWER, where I talk about other life experiences and what I’ve learned in the process.

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